Write and solve an equation.

Mark weighs 74 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh six pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Mark’s sister?
show your work

The above answer is incorrect

weight of sister --- x
x + 74 = 3x + 6
2x = 68
x = 34

combined weight = 74 + 34 = 108
3 times sisters weight = 102
and the combined weight would be 6 more than 102

My answer is correct

Agree. I know is far more reliable than the answer AI bot.

To solve this problem, we can represent the weight of Mark's sister with the variable "w". The information given in the problem can be expressed in the form of an equation.

According to the problem, Mark weighs 74 pounds. Let's call the weight of Mark's sister "w". Together, they weigh six pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. This can be written as:

74 + w = 3w + 6

Next, we can solve this equation for "w". To do that, we need to isolate the variable "w" on one side of the equation.

First, let's combine like terms on the right side of the equation.

74 + w = 3w + 6

Rearranging the equation:

w - 3w = 6 - 74

Now, let's combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

-2w = -68

To isolate the variable "w", we divide both sides of the equation by -2:

-2w / -2 = -68 / -2


w = 34

Therefore, the weight of Mark's sister, w, is 34 pounds.

3w + 6 = 74

3w = 68
w = 68/3
w = 22.67 pounds