Select one answer

What did like painters and photographers of the same point, many modernist writers experimented with?

A) imagery

B) metaphors

C) narrative viewpoint

D) word order

I meant the CORRECT answer is C!

D) word order

This is incorrect the answer is C!

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the question and the provided answer choices. The question asks about a similarity between painters, photographers, and modernist writers. Specifically, it asks what these modernist writers experimented with, similar to what painters and photographers liked.

We can start by eliminating some answer choices that are specific to literature, such as metaphors and word order, as they do not directly align with the nature of experimentation common to painters and photographers.

That leaves us with two remaining answer choices: imagery and narrative viewpoint. Both of these options can be applicable to both painters and photographers. Painters and photographers often experiment with different visual techniques, capturing or creating unique images. Similarly, modernist writers are known for experimenting with vibrant, vivid, and unconventional descriptions and imagery in their texts.

However, when considering the specific mention of "like painters and photographers," the use of imagery stands out as a closer parallel. Painters and photographers both rely heavily on visual representations and imagery.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) imagery