what are some vocabulary Words The Call of the Wild: Chapter 1

1. Ablution - a washing or cleansing of the body, especially as a religious ritual.

2. Bivouac - a temporary camp without tents or cover, used especially by soldiers or mountaineers.
3. Buck - a male deer, antelope, or rabbit.
4. Callous - having or showing no sympathy or tender feelings; hard-hearted.
5. Desolation - a state of complete emptiness or destruction.
6. Flank - the side of an animal or human body between the ribs and hip.
7. Frigid - extremely cold in temperature.
8. Gaunt - very thin and bony; haggard.
9. Harness - a set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draught animal is fastened to a cart, plough, etc. and is controlled by its driver.
10. Lope - run or move at a steady, leisurely, and relaxed pace.