What are the missing reasons in the two-colum proof?

Given - MO bisects <PMN and OM bisects <PON
Prove - trianglePMO congruent to triangleNMO

Statements Reasons
1.MO bisects <PMN 1. ?
2.<PMO congruent <NMO 2. ?
3.MO congruent MO 3. ?
4.OM bisects <PON 4. ?
5.<POM congruent <NOM 5. ?
6.trianglePMO congruent triangleNMO 6. ?

1. Angle Bisector Theorem

2. Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
3. Reflexive Property
4. Angle Bisector Theorem
5. Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
6. Transitive Property