A pith ball charged negatively is suspended between two parallel conducting plates as shown in the diagram below.when the plates are connected to opposite terminals of a dry cell the path ball is displaced to right.

What is the direction of the electric field set up between the plates?

The electric field set up between the plates would be directed from the negative plate to the positive plate.

The direction of the electric field set up between the plates is from the positive terminal of the dry cell towards the negative terminal.

To determine the direction of the electric field between the plates, you need to consider the behavior of charged particles and how they respond to electric fields.

Given that the pith ball is charged negatively, it means that it has an excess of electrons. Electrons have a negative charge and are attracted to positive charges while being repelled by other negative charges. Since the pith ball is initially suspended in equilibrium, it implies that there must be an external force acting on it.

When the plates are connected to opposite terminals of a dry cell, a potential difference is established between the plates. This causes a flow of electric charge from the positive terminal of the dry cell to the positive plate, and from the negative plate back to the negative terminal of the dry cell. This sets up an electric field between the plates.

In this scenario, the negative charge on the pith ball experiences a force due to the electric field between the plates. As the pith ball is negatively charged, it is repelled by the negative plate, causing it to move towards the positive plate.

Based on this information, the direction of the electric field is from the positive plate towards the negative plate.