Francis is organizing an event in Calgary in western Canada. She wants to

have a multi-cultural night and invite recent immigrants to participate and
share their cultures. Based on typical immigration patterns, most of the
participants are likely to be from?

Most of the participants are likely to be from East Asian countries such as China, South Korea, and Japan, as well as South Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Other countries that may be represented include the Philippines, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Based on typical immigration patterns in Western Canada, most of the participants at Francis' event are likely to be from the following regions:

1. Asia: Immigrants from countries such as China, India, Philippines, and Pakistan are commonly found in Western Canada, including Calgary.
2. Middle East: Recent immigrants from countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon often settle in Western Canada, contributing to the multicultural diversity.
3. Europe: Immigrants from various European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Eastern European nations, also populate Western Canada.
4. Africa: Recent immigrants from African countries, such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan, may also be present at the event.
5. Latin America: While lesser in number compared to other regions, immigrants from Latin American countries, such as Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, can contribute to the multicultural night.

It is important to note that immigration patterns can change over time, and the actual participant demographics would depend on the recent influx of immigrants to Calgary.