The number of questions on a math test is represented (3x + 1). The number of questions on a spelling test is represented by (x + 12). Write an expression to find how many more questions were on the math test. Then evaluate the expression if the value of x is 8.

To find how many more questions were on the math test compared to the spelling test, we need to subtract the number of questions on the spelling test from the number of questions on the math test.

The number of questions on the math test is represented by (3x + 1), and the number of questions on the spelling test is represented by (x + 12). To find how many more questions were on the math test, subtract the number of questions on the spelling test from the number of questions on the math test:

(3x + 1) - (x + 12)

Now, let's evaluate this expression when x is equal to 8:

(3(8) + 1) - (8 + 12)

Simplifying further:

(24 + 1) - (8 + 12)

25 - 20

The evaluation of the expression is 5. Therefore, if x is equal to 8, there were 5 more questions on the math test compared to the spelling test.

To find how many more questions were on the math test compared to the spelling test, we subtract the number of questions on the spelling test from the number of questions on the math test.

Expression: (3x + 1) - (x + 12)

To evaluate the expression when x = 8, substitute 8 for x in the expression and simplify:

(3(8) + 1) - (8 + 12)

= (24 + 1) - (8 + 12)

= 25 - 20

= 5

Therefore, if the value of x is 8, there are 5 more questions on the math test than the spelling test.

Expression: 3x + 1 - (x + 12)

Evaluation: 3(8) + 1 - (8 + 12) = 17