summarize prsident lincolns meaning of the last sentence of the gettsburg address

President Lincoln's last sentence in the Gettysburg Address is widely regarded as one of the most impactful statements in American history. To summarize his meaning, Lincoln intended to emphasize the importance of the mission for which soldiers had sacrificed their lives during the Civil War. The last sentence reads, "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

To fully understand the meaning, let's break it down:

1. "New birth of freedom": Lincoln wanted to convey that the Civil War was a struggle to preserve the ideals of liberty and freedom upon which the nation was founded. He believed that once the war ended, the United States could undergo a rebirth, casting off the shackles of slavery and further promoting individual freedoms for all citizens.

2. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people": This phrase encapsulates Lincoln's vision of democracy, where government is founded on the consent and participation of the people. He fought to ensure that the government remained accountable to its citizens and that it would continue to serve the interests of all people equally.

3. "Shall not perish from the earth": By using this phrase, Lincoln expressed his deep concern that if the United States were to fail in preserving these principles of freedom and democracy, it would have profound consequences, not only for the nation but potentially for the world. He believed that the success or failure of America's experiment in self-governance would serve as an example for other nations, inspiring or discouraging them in their own quests for liberty.

In summary, President Lincoln's meaning in the last sentence of the Gettysburg Address is a call to ensure that the sacrifices made during the Civil War result in a renewed commitment to freedom and a sustained government by and for the people. He believed that the success of American democracy was crucial for the survival and inspiration of democratic principles globally.