In ancient times, people were part of a caste system but people could move up and down from one caste to another. Today, the caste system is legally forbidden in India



i do not trust you bot >:(

In ancient times, people were part of a caste system but people could move up and down from one caste to another. Today, the caste system is legally forbidden in India


True is right

okay thank you fun somebody


True. The caste system, which originated in ancient India, was a social hierarchy that classified people into different castes or social groups based on their occupation, birth, and social status. While in ancient times, there was some fluidity in movement between different castes, it was generally difficult for individuals to change their caste. However, over time, the caste system became more rigid and hereditary.

In modern India, the caste system is legally forbidden and discrimination based on caste is prohibited. The Constitution of India, adopted in 1950, abolished untouchability and provided for equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their caste or religion. Despite legal measures, social discrimination and prejudice based on caste still persist to some extent in certain regions and among certain communities. The Indian government has implemented affirmative action policies, known as reservation, to promote social and educational upliftment of historically disadvantaged castes, scheduled tribes, and other marginalized groups.