Max conducted a survey of 60 students in which he asked about their favorite school subject. 24 students said math, 12 students said science, 18 students said English.

and 6 students said social studies. Max wants to make a circle graph of these data. What angle measure should he use for the English section

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

18/60 * 360 = 108

To find the angle measure for the English section of the circle graph, we need to determine the proportion of students who said English out of the total number of students surveyed.

The total number of students surveyed is 60.
The number of students who said English is 18.

To find the proportion, we divide the number of students who said English by the total number of students surveyed:

Proportion = Number of students who said English / Total number of students surveyed
Proportion = 18 / 60
Proportion = 0.3

To convert this proportion into an angle measure, we need to multiply it by 360 degrees (since a circle is 360 degrees):

Angle measure = Proportion * 360 degrees
Angle measure = 0.3 * 360 degrees
Angle measure = 108 degrees

Therefore, Max should use an angle measure of 108 degrees for the English section of the circle graph.

To find the angle measure for the English section in the circle graph, we need to calculate the percentage of students who said English out of the total number of students surveyed.

First, let's add up the number of students for each subject:
Math: 24 students
Science: 12 students
English: 18 students
Social Studies: 6 students

Now, let's sum up the total number of students surveyed:
Total students surveyed: 24 (Math) + 12 (Science) + 18 (English) + 6 (Social Studies) = 60 students

To calculate the percentage, divide the number of students who said English by the total number of students surveyed and multiply by 100:
Percentage of students who said English = (18 / 60) * 100 = 30%

So, the angle measure for the English section in the circle graph should be 30% of the total angle in the circle graph.

Note: In a circle graph, the total angle measures 360 degrees. To find the angle measure for the English section, multiply the total angle by the percentage:
Angle measure for the English section = 360 degrees * 0.30 = 108 degrees.

Therefore, Max should use an angle measure of 108 degrees for the English section in the circle graph.

The angle measure for the English section should be 120 degrees.