Skylar bought 23 chicken wings for $32.20. How much would it cost for 13 wings?

Incorrect try harder this is 6th grademath


To find the cost of 13 wings, we can set up a proportion using the number of wings and the cost.

Let's assume that x represents the cost for 13 wings.

We can set up the proportion as:

23 wings / $32.20 = 13 wings / x

Now we can cross-multiply:

23 wings * x = 13 wings * $32.20

Simplifying further:

23x = 13 * $32.20

23x = $418.60

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 23:

x = $418.60 / 23

x ≈ $18.17

Therefore, the cost for 13 wings would be approximately $18.17.

To find out how much it would cost for 13 chicken wings, we can use the concept of ratios.

First, let's determine the cost per wing. We can divide the total cost of $32.20 by the number of wings, 23:

$32.20 / 23 wings = $1.40 per wing

Now that we know the cost per wing, we can multiply it by the desired number of wings, in this case, 13:

$1.40/wing * 13 wings = $18.20

Therefore, it would cost $18.20 for 13 wings.

13 wings would cost $19.32.