Every week, Richard earns $16 less than Andy. Each of them spends $48 per week on food and saves the rest. When Andy has saved $144, Richard has only saved $64.

(a) How long does Andy take to save $144?
(b) What is Richard's weekly earnings?

To find the answers, let's break down the information given:

Let R be Richard's weekly earnings.
Andy earns $16 more than Richard, so Andy's weekly earnings will be R + $16.

Now, let's calculate the amount each of them saves per week:

Andy's savings: Andy's earnings - $48 (food expenses) = (R + $16) - $48 = R - $32
Richard's savings: Richard's earnings - $48 (food expenses) = R - $48

According to the given information, when Andy saves $144, Richard saves only $64. Let's set up equations for their savings:

Andy's savings = $144
R - $32 = $144

Richard's savings = $64
R - $48 = $64

Now, let's solve these equations to find the values of R:

For Andy's savings:
R - $32 = $144
R = $144 + $32
R = $176

Therefore, Andy takes $176 to save $144 (a).

For Richard's savings:
R - $48 = $64
R = $64 + $48
R = $112

Therefore, Richard's weekly earnings are $112 (b).

To find the answers, let's break down the given information step-by-step:

Step 1: Set up variables
Let A be Andy's weekly earnings
Let R be Richard's weekly earnings

Step 2: Establish the relationship between their earnings
According to the given information, Richard earns $16 less than Andy. So, we can write an equation as:
R = A - 16 (Equation 1)

Step 3: Determine the amount saved per week
Both Andy and Richard spend $48 per week on food. So, the amount saved per week by each of them can be calculated as:
Amount saved by Andy = A - 48 (Equation 2)
Amount saved by Richard = R - 48 (Equation 3)

Step 4: Solve for the time it takes Andy to save $144
Given that Andy has saved $144, we can substitute this value in Equation 2 and solve for A.
A - 48 = 144
A = 144 + 48
A = 192

So, it takes Andy 192/16 = 12 weeks to save $144. (a) Andy takes 12 weeks to save $144.

Step 5: Calculate Richard's weekly earnings
Using the value of A from the previous step, we can substitute it into Equation 1 to find R.
R = 192 - 16
R = 176

So, Richard's weekly earnings are $176. (b) Richard's weekly earnings are $176.

(a) Andy takes 9 weeks to save $144.

(b) Richard's weekly earnings are $8.