Maria give her sister a present for her last birthday

Did Maria give her sister a present for her last birthday?

To determine what present Maria gave to her sister for her last birthday, I would need more specific information. If you have access to Maria or her sister, you can ask them directly. Alternatively, if the information is publicly available, you could search for any posts or messages from Maria or her sister around the time of the birthday. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, may provide some clues about the gift. Additionally, you could potentially ask friends or family members who may have knowledge of the gift Maria gave her sister for her last birthday.

Step 1: Determine the type of present Maria gave to her sister.

Step 2: Consider Maria's sister's interests and preferences.
Step 3: Choose a suitable present based on the above information.
Step 4: Wrap the present in appropriate gift wrapping.
Step 5: Write a personalized message or birthday card for her sister.
Step 6: Plan a surprise or special way to present the gift to her sister.
Step 7: Give the present to her sister on her last birthday.
Step 8: Enjoy and celebrate the birthday together.