Which is the best description of potential energy

only some objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds

objects potential energy can be destroyed if the chemical binds are broken

all objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are in motion

all objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are positioned above earths surface

1) All objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are positioned above Earth’s surface.

2) 54.88 J

3) Most of the baseball’s potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy.

4) 51.03 J

5) The object’s mass and height, and acceleration due to gravity

All objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are positioned above earths surface.

100% correct

The best description of potential energy among the options provided is:

"all objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are positioned above Earth's surface."

To understand potential energy, it is important to know that it is the energy possessed by an object due to its position or configuration. In the context of chemical bonds, potential energy refers to the energy stored within the bonds between atoms or molecules.

The first option stating that only some objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds is incorrect. In reality, all objects with chemical bonds possess potential energy.

The second option suggesting that objects' potential energy can be destroyed if the chemical bonds are broken is also incorrect. Breaking chemical bonds does not destroy potential energy; rather, it is transformed into other forms of energy.

The third option stating that objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are in motion is partially correct. Objects with chemical bonds do have potential energy, but it is not directly related to their motion. The potential energy stored in chemical bonds is separate from the kinetic energy associated with an object's motion.

The fourth and final option correctly states that all objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds, but it adds the additional requirement of being positioned above Earth's surface to have more potential energy. This statement is accurate because an object's potential energy increases with its elevation above the reference point, which is often the Earth's surface.

Therefore, the best description of potential energy is that all objects have potential energy stored in their chemical bonds and will have more potential energy when they are positioned above Earth's surface.