Oxygen is a gas at room temperature and a liquid below -218 degrees centigrade. What state of matter is it at -60 degrees centigrade?

At -60 degrees centigrade, oxygen is a gas.

thank you, this is correct :)

You’re welcome.

Oxygen is a gas at room temperature, which is typically around 20-25 degrees Celsius. However, at lower temperatures, such as -218 degrees Celsius, oxygen becomes a liquid. At -60 degrees Celsius, oxygen would also be in its liquid state.

To determine the state of matter of a substance at a specific temperature, we need to know its phase diagram. The phase diagram of oxygen shows the relationship between temperature and pressure at which it exists in different states: solid, liquid, and gas.

In the case of oxygen, it is a gas at room temperature and at lower temperatures, it transitions into a liquid state. However, to determine what state it is in at -60 degrees Celsius, we need to refer to the phase diagram.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to the exact phase diagram for oxygen. However, based on the general behavior of most substances, it is likely that oxygen would still be in its liquid state at -60 degrees Celsius. This is because oxygen typically remains in its liquid form at very low temperatures.

To be certain about the state of oxygen at -60 degrees Celsius, it is best to consult an accurate phase diagram specific to oxygen, which can provide precise information about its state at that temperature.