An image portraying a playful scene in a nursery room. In the scene, a South Asian toddler is playing on the floor, fully absorbed in their task of sorting wooden blocks. The blocks are brightly colored in shades of blue and pink, and the toddler is distributing them into smaller piles. A detail to be noted is the number of blocks in each pile, visual references to concepts such as the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition should be subtly incorporated in the block arrangement.

A toddler has 36 blocks, of which 16 are blue and 20 are pink. They want to sort the blocks so that each group has both colors of blocks. The toddler also wants each group to have an equal number of blue blocks and an equal number of pink blocks. Which answer best shows how the toddler should sort the blocks using the GCF and the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition?(1 point)


4 left parenthesis 4 plus 5 right parenthesis

1 left parenthesis 16 plus 20 right parenthesis

2 left parenthesis 8 plus 10 right parenthesis


To solve this problem using the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) and the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition, we need to find the common factors of both the blue and pink blocks.

In this case, the number of blue blocks is 16, and the number of pink blocks is 20. The GCF of 16 and 20 is 4. This means that the toddler can sort the blocks into groups of 4, where each group will have an equal number of blue and pink blocks.

Now, let's apply the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition. We can use the expression 4(4 + 5) to represent the sorting process.

Breaking down the expression, we multiply 4, which represents the number of groups, by the sum of 4 (the number of blue blocks in each group) and 5 (the number of pink blocks in each group).

Therefore, the correct answer is: 4(4 + 5)

4 left parenthesis 4 times 5 right parenthesis

There are 40 students in Joan’s class. She plans to invite them to her birthday party. She asked them to suggest a theme for her party. Three of every eight students suggested a rainbow-themed party. How many students suggested a rainbow-themed party? How many did not?(2 points) Suggested Rainbow Did not suggest Rainbow

To sort the blocks so that each group has both colors of blocks and an equal number of blue and pink blocks, the toddler should use the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) to determine the number of groups and then use the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition to distribute the blocks evenly.

The GCF of 16 and 20 is 4, so the toddler should divide the blocks into 4 groups.

Using the Distributive Property of multiplication over addition, the toddler should distribute the blocks as follows:


This means that each group should have 4 blue blocks (4) and 5 pink blocks (5).