15. Which types of pollutants should we be most concerned about in terms of their effects on the distribution and abundance of plants and animals? With the same question in mind, which is the best form of energy for society to use and why? (Bear in mind that solar power and wind power cannot yet fully supply society’s needs).

The types of pollutants that should be of most concern are those that are persistent and bioaccumulative, such as heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. These pollutants can accumulate in the environment and have long-term effects on the distribution and abundance of plants and animals.

The best form of energy for society to use is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is a clean, reliable, and efficient source of energy that does not produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants. It is also a relatively safe form of energy, with a good safety record and a low risk of accidents. Additionally, nuclear energy is capable of providing a large amount of energy with a relatively small amount of fuel.

In terms of their effects on the distribution and abundance of plants and animals, there are several types of pollutants that we should be most concerned about. These include:

1. Air pollutants: Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter can have detrimental effects on both plant and animal populations. They can contribute to respiratory diseases in animals and inhibit the growth and development of plants.

2. Water pollutants: Contamination of water bodies with pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals can have significant impacts on aquatic plants and animals. These pollutants can disrupt the ecosystem balance, leading to declines in populations and even extinction in severe cases.

3. Soil pollutants: Soil pollution, caused by factors such as industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal, can greatly affect the health and diversity of plant and animal communities. Contaminants can be taken up by plants, making them less productive and affecting the animals that depend on them.

4. Noise pollution: Anthropogenic noise, such as traffic noise and industrial activities, can disrupt animal communication, foraging patterns, and breeding behaviors. This can lead to reproductive failure, decreased food availability, and overall disturbance to wildlife populations.

When considering the best form of energy for society to use, it is essential to balance environmental impact, sustainability, and reliability. While solar power and wind power are growing in importance, they currently do not fully meet society's needs. In this context, the best form of energy largely depends on the region and available resources. Here are a few options:

1. Natural gas: Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fossil fuel compared to coal and oil. It produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant particles. However, it is a finite resource, and extracting and transporting natural gas can have environmental impacts like methane leakage.

2. Nuclear power: Nuclear power is a low-carbon energy source that can generate a significant amount of electricity. However, concerns regarding nuclear waste disposal, safety, and the potential for accidents remain significant challenges.

3. Hydropower: Hydropower is a renewable energy source that relies on flowing water to generate electricity. It produces no direct carbon emissions and can provide baseload power. However, large-scale hydroelectric projects can cause significant ecological disruptions by altering natural river flows and habitats.

It is important to continue investing in research and development to improve the efficiency and reliability of solar and wind energy. Additionally, a combination of different energy sources, utilization of energy storage technologies, and greater emphasis on energy conservation and efficiency can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy mix.