Gene likes to keep the same ratio of goldfish to guppies in his aquarium. He has 8 goldfish and 12 guppies. If he increases the number of goldfish in his aquarium to 12, how many guppies will Gene need to add to the aquarium to keep the ratio the same?


x/12 = 12/8
and it ain't 16


To keep the same ratio of goldfish to guppies, we need to find out the ratio of goldfish to guppies when there are 12 goldfish.

Currently, Gene has 8 goldfish and 12 guppies, which means the ratio of goldfish to guppies is 8:12, or 2:3.

If Gene increases the number of goldfish to 12, we need to find out how many guppies he will need to maintain the same ratio.

To calculate the number of guppies needed, we can set up a proportion:

8 goldfish / 12 guppies = 12 goldfish / x guppies

Cross-multiplying, we get:

8x = 12 * 12

8x = 144

Dividing both sides by 8, we find:

x = 144 / 8

x = 18

Therefore, Gene will need to add 18 guppies to the aquarium to keep the ratio the same.

The answer is 16 guppies.