Which process describes the warm ocean that transfers heat to the air above it?

• radiation
• convection
• reflection
• conduction


Conduction of heat

Note: This is for for students who are in Connections Academy. Kindly use this to check your answers, not to cheat :)

1. Which process describes the warm ocean that transfers heat to the air above it?
A: Conduction.

2. Use this sentence: On a summer day, the heat of the land heats the air, causing it to rise and spread before cooling over the ocean, creating a breeze.

How is thermal energy transferred when this happens?
A: Through convection.

3. Use this sentence: A student records the amount of sunlight that a plant receives each day for one week.

Which type of energy transfer is also being recorded?
A: Radiation.

4. Which increases the amount of thermal energy on Earth according to scientists?
A: An increase in greenhouse gases has trapped heat.

5. How are plants affected by an increase in thermal energy on Earth?
A: Plants produce more pollen.

If you get any of these wrong, go back and see what you missed, and take notes! Have a good day! 💕

The process that describes the warm ocean transferring heat to the air above it is convection.


To understand why convection is the correct answer, let's break down the other options:

1. Radiation: Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, such as the heat we receive from the sun. While the sun's radiation does warm up the ocean, it is not the specific process that describes the transfer of heat from the warm ocean to the air above it.

2. Reflection: Reflection refers to the bouncing back of heat, light, or sound waves when they hit a surface. It does not involve the transfer of heat from the ocean to the air.

3. Conduction: Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two solid objects or substances. In the context of the question, conduction would happen if the warm ocean was directly touching the air above it. However, in reality, the ocean and air are separated by a layer of molecules.

Convection, on the other hand, is the process of heat transfer that occurs when there is a movement of fluids (liquids or gases). In the case of the warm ocean transferring heat to the air, convection happens when the warm ocean water heats up the air directly above it. The warmed air rises, creating a convection current, and cooler air moves in to replace it, starting the cycle over again. This is why convection is the correct process that describes the warm ocean transferring heat to the air above it.