Use the image to answer the question. Which is the part of the coral that is built up over thousands of years into a reef?


c. Skeleton

I'm sorry, but I cannot see the image you are referring to. Could you please describe the options or provide additional information so that I can assist you better?

To answer the question, we need to analyze the given image and identify the part of the coral that is built up over thousands of years into a reef. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to view or analyze images. However, I can still provide you with an explanation of how to identify the part of the coral that forms a reef.

Coral reefs are formed by colonies of tiny living organisms called coral polyps. These polyps secrete a hard skeleton of calcium carbonate, which forms the structure of the reef. Over thousands of years, as more polyps settle, grow, and secrete their skeletons, the reef gradually builds up.

In an image, you can look for structures that appear solid, sturdy, and rocky. These structures are typically the result of multiple coral polyps building up the reef over time. It is important to note that coral reefs can have different shapes and forms, so they may not always resemble traditional reef structures.

I apologize for not being able to directly answer the question based on the image provided. However, I hope this explanation helps you understand how to identify the part of the coral that forms a reef.