A family buys 4 airline tickets online. The family buys travel insurance that costs ​$18 per ticket. The total cost is ​$736. Let x represent the price of one ticket. Write an equation for the total cost. Then find the price of one ticket.

Im answering this question!

18X4 =72

664/4 =166
A.18 = 4x + 736
B.736 = 4 (x + 18)
C.736 = 18 (x + 4)
D.736 = 4x + 18
answer =B

4x + 4(18) = 736

4x + 72 = 736
4x= 664
x = 664/4 = 166

I agree with B
4(x+18) = 736
4x + 72 = 736 <---- my starting equation

correct for connections academy algebra

To write an equation for the total cost, we need to understand the given information.

Let's denote the price of one ticket as 'x'. We are told that a family buys 4 airline tickets and also purchases travel insurance for each ticket, which costs ​$18 per ticket.

The cost of purchasing airline tickets without insurance is 4x (since they bought 4 tickets and the price of one ticket is x).

The cost of purchasing travel insurance for each ticket is 18*4 = $72 (since the insurance costs $18 per ticket and they bought 4 tickets).

Therefore, the total cost can be represented by the equation:

4x + 72 = 736

To find the price of one ticket, we can solve this equation for 'x'.

4x + 72 = 736

Subtracting 72 from both sides, we get:

4x = 736 - 72

4x = 664

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 664/4

x = 166

Therefore, the price of one ticket is $166.