A student places a drop of food coloring into two water samples. Her observations are shown in the table. Which statement best explains the observations in the table?

heres all the answers, 11/30/22

1: (D) The temperature of sample 2 is higher.
2: (C) placing one drop of food coloring in a cup with 50 mL of water at 10ºC; placing one drop of food coloring in a second cup with 50 mL of water at 40ºC
3: (C) 1
4: (D) M,L,N

100% correct! <3

observations in a table?

which statements?

connexus student answers are correct

thank you connexus student!

To determine which statement best explains the observations in the table, we first need to observe the table itself. Without the table, I can't provide a specific explanation or choose the best statement. Please provide the table or describe its contents, and I'll be happy to help you analyze the observations and provide an explanation.

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