Many animals influence and contribute to ecosystem services. As pollinators, how do bees ultimately contribute to direct ecosystem services?(1 point)

(1.) Bees pollinate plant species that produce food.

(2.)Ethical and aesthetic services and direct services.

(3.)Nutrient cycling.

(4.)An ecosystem consists of living things that interact in the same environment.

(5.)The nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems.

All the answers are correct by . But number 4

But the correct answer is
Biomes contain thousands of ecosystems and provide ecosystem services

(1.) Bees pollinate plant species that produce food.

(2.)Ethical and aesthetic services and direct services.

(3.)Nutrient cycling.

(4.)Biomes contain thousands of ecosystems and provide ecosystem services

(5.)The nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems.


you are rong dont copy this kid

Yall have to type out the answers. You can't use the letters because they change.

All the answer spots change we have to type them out

Bees contribute to direct ecosystem services primarily through their role as pollinators. Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs of a flower to the female reproductive organs, enabling fertilization and subsequent reproduction in plants. This process is crucial for the production of fruits, seeds, and nuts, which are essential for the growth and regeneration of plant populations.

To understand how bees contribute as pollinators, we need to consider their behaviors and characteristics. Bees are attracted to flowers by their colors, scents, and the presence of nectar or pollen. As bees land on flowers to feed on nectar, their bodies come into contact with the reproductive organs of the flower, including the stamen (male) and pistil (female).

The bees inadvertently pick up pollen grains on their body, which they then transfer to other flowers as they move from one flower to another. This transfer of pollen is known as cross-pollination, as it occurs between different plant individuals of the same species or even between different plant species. The pollen that is transferred to the female reproductive organs of the flower fertilizes the ovules, leading to seed production.

By facilitating cross-pollination, bees play a vital role in maintaining and enhancing plant biodiversity. They help to ensure the reproduction of a wide variety of plant species, including many important food crops such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without bees, the pollination of these plants would be significantly reduced, resulting in lower crop yields and potentially threatening food security.

In summary, by actively engaging in the process of pollination, bees directly contribute to ecosystem services by enabling the reproduction and survival of plants. Their role as pollinators is essential for the maintenance of biodiversity, plant reproduction, and the production of food crops.



These answers are 100% Correct!!!!!

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. C

These are the correct answers for Accreditation: WASC!!!

"Cow!! :3" got ALL the answers wrong. the right answers are

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. B