Which statement could serve as a claim in an argumentative text?

1. a specific opinion that can be supported by evidence

2. understanding what the author's argument is ,determining how convincing the argument is
3. Screen-time is harmful to the brain.
4. Seat belts save lives.
5. Students who do their homework do better in school.

whats the lessons name? and which grade?

??? was right TYSM

thxs ??? and its 6th grade duh, and also the lesson name is Identifying a Claim Quick Check.

ur welcome;)

i will take the fall for you

??? ty

To identify a statement that could serve as a claim in an argumentative text, we should first understand what a claim is. In an argumentative text, a claim is a statement that asserts a specific position or viewpoint on a particular topic. It is the central idea that the author aims to prove or support with evidence and reasoning.

To determine the claim in an argumentative text, we need to look for a statement that expresses a debatable standpoint. Here are a few examples of possible claims:

1. "The government should increase funding for public education to improve overall academic performance."
To support or refute this claim, the author would present evidence and reasoning explaining why increased funding for public education is beneficial or detrimental.

2. "Social media has a negative impact on society by promoting unhealthy comparison and diminishing real-life connections."
This claim presents a viewpoint that social media has negative effects on society. The author would provide evidence and logical arguments to back up this claim.

3. "Capital punishment should be abolished because it violates the right to life and is an ineffective deterrent."
This claim asserts a position on the topic of capital punishment. To support or oppose this claim, the author would present evidence and reasoning to demonstrate why capital punishment should or should not be abolished.

In an argumentative text, the claim should be clear, specific, and open to debate. The author would then support the claim with evidence and persuasive arguments throughout the text.