To describe a sequence of transformations the mat triangle ABC onto triangle a b c and students starts with a reflection over the should the students complete the sequence of transformations to map triangle ABC onto triangle A"B""C"?

To map triangle ABC onto triangle A"B"C", the student has already performed a reflection over the X-axis. To complete the sequence of transformations, the student needs to perform additional transformations.

The next step would be to apply a translation or shift to move the triangle to the desired position. The translation involves moving the entire triangle in a specific direction without changing its shape or orientation.

To determine the translation needed, the student should identify the corresponding vertices between triangle ABC and triangle A"B"C". For example, if vertex A matches with vertex A", vertex B matches with vertex B", and vertex C matches with vertex C", the student can calculate the necessary shift by subtracting the coordinates of A from A" and applying the same difference to vertices B and C.

Let's say the coordinates of A are (x1, y1) and the coordinates of A" are (x2, y2). By subtracting x-coordinates and y-coordinates, the translation values (T_x, T_y) can be computed as follows:
T_x = x2 - x1
T_y = y2 - y1

Once the translation values are obtained, the student can complete the sequence of transformations by applying the translation to all the vertices of triangle ABC. By adding T_x to the x-coordinates and T_y to the y-coordinates of each vertex, the student will effectively shift the entire triangle to match triangle A"B"C".

Remember to perform the transformations in the correct order: reflection over the X-axis followed by translation.

Note: It is important to have the correct corresponding vertices for the translation. If the corresponding vertices are not correctly identified, the final mapping may not be accurate.