Which male reproductive part includes the antler and the filament

The male reproductive part that includes the antler and the filament is called the stamen. The stamen is one of the main parts of a flower and is responsible for producing pollen, which is necessary for plant reproduction. It is comprised of two main parts: the filament and the anther.

To find this answer, you could start by understanding the basic structure of a flower and its reproductive parts. A flower typically consists of several parts including petals, sepals, pistils, and stamens. The pistil is the female reproductive part, while the stamen is the male reproductive part.

Next, you can examine the components of the stamen more closely. The stamen has two important parts: the filament and the anther. The filament is a thin stalk-like structure that supports the anther, which is a sac-like structure. The anther is where the pollen is produced and stored.

By understanding these basic botanical terms and structures, you can identify that the male reproductive part consisting of the antler (the filament) and the anther is called the stamen.