specific, exact language is an example of _____ language





i think its percise but idk pls help

To determine the answer, let's break down the options you have provided:

1. Formal: Formal language refers to a style of communication that is polite, respectful, and follows established conventions. While specific and exact language can be a part of formal communication, it does not exclusively represent it.

2. General: General language is more broad and vague, focusing on conveying a general idea without providing specific details. This choice does not align with the concept of specific and exact language.

3. Precise: "Precise" means to be accurate, exact, or well-defined. When we talk about specific and exact language, being precise is indeed an important quality. It involves using clear and unambiguous words that leave no room for misinterpretation. So, "precise" is a suitable option.

4. Concise: Concise language is characterized by being brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary elaboration. While it may contribute to clarity, it is not the primary quality associated with specific and exact language.

Based on the analysis above, it appears that the most accurate option is "precise." Therefore, your initial inclination was correct, and "precise" is the answer that aligns with the concept of specific, exact language.