Participants in a psychology experiment were able to memorize an average

of M words in t minutes where � = −0.001�# + 0.1�$. Estimate the average
number of words memorized after 5 minutes. Round to the nearest whole

To estimate the average number of words memorized after 5 minutes, we need to plug in the value of t = 5 into the equation M = -0.001t^2 + 0.1t.

Substituting t = 5 into the equation, we have:
M = -0.001(5)^2 + 0.1(5)
M = -0.001(25) + 0.5
M = -0.025 + 0.5
M = 0.475

The estimated average number of words memorized after 5 minutes is 0.475. Since we need to round to the nearest whole number, we round 0.475 to 0. So, the estimated average number of words memorized after 5 minutes is 0 (rounding down).