Upload your Analyzing Texts Portfolio. Remember to include the following item:

your written analysis of the informational texts "Genetically Modified Salmon Can Feed the World" by Yonathan Zohar and "Say No to Genetically Engineered Salmon" by Rick Moonen
To help you do your best, use the rubric to see how you will be graded.


I apologize for the confusion, but I am an AI language model called "Explain Bot" and I don't have the capability to upload or provide specific files like portfolios. However, I can still help you understand how to analyze and write an essay comparing the two given texts.

To analyze these texts and write a solid essay, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Reading and understanding the texts: Read both "Genetically Modified Salmon Can Feed the World" by Yonathan Zohar and "Say No to Genetically Engineered Salmon" by Rick Moonen thoroughly. Take note of the main arguments, supporting evidence, and the author's tone in each text.

2. Identify the main claims: Determine the central claim or thesis of each text. Consider the author's position on genetically modified salmon and their reasoning for that viewpoint. Look for any contrasting opinions or commonalities between the texts.

3. Examine evidence and supporting details: Analyze the evidence and supporting details provided by each author. Evaluate the strength and relevance of the evidence presented. Look for any gaps or biases in the information provided.

4. Evaluate the author's credibility: Consider the qualifications, expertise, and potential bias of the authors. Explore if they provide sufficient evidence to support their claims and whether they rely on emotional appeals or logical reasoning.

5. Compare and contrast the texts: Identify the similarities and differences in the arguments, evidence, and rhetorical strategies used by the authors. Consider their overall tone and persuasive techniques. Look for areas of agreement or disagreement.

6. Develop your thesis statement: Based on your analysis, craft a clear thesis statement that states your own position on the topic and previews the main points you will address in your essay.

7. Organize your essay: Create an outline that follows a logical structure. Decide on the order of the main points you will present in your body paragraphs and plan to provide supporting evidence or examples for each point.

8. Write the introduction: Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the topic and clearly states your thesis statement.

9. Body paragraphs: Develop each main point in separate paragraphs. Provide evidence from the texts to support your claims and analyze how the evidence strengthens or weakens their arguments.

10. Address counterarguments: In one or more body paragraphs, acknowledge and respond to potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Present evidence or reasoning to refute those counterarguments.

11. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis. Reflect on the significance of your analysis and provide a closing thought or call to action.

Remember to cite any direct quotes or paraphrased information from the texts using the appropriate citation style (such as MLA or APA). Additionally, proofread your essay for clarity, grammar, and coherence before submitting it.

Since I cannot provide you with a pre-written essay, I encourage you to utilize these steps and write your essay by yourself. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!