Hi I need help with Ratios, Rates, and Proportions unit test asap!!! I have 24 questions ples help me!! Thank you!

BRO we all need this test we need a HERO

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your Ratios, Rates, and Proportions unit test. Here's how we can approach it together:

1. Read each question carefully: Start by reading each question and understanding what it is asking for. Pay attention to any key terms or specific information provided in the question.

2. Identify the type of problem: Determine whether each question is a ratio, rate, or proportion problem. This will help you know which concepts and formulas to apply.

3. Set up the problem: Once you have identified the type of problem, set up the equation or proportion that represents it. Make sure to use the right variables and understand their meanings.

4. Solve the problem: Apply the appropriate method to solve the problem. This may involve simplifying ratios, finding equivalent ratios, cross-multiplication for proportions, etc.

5. Check your work: After obtaining an answer, double-check your work to ensure accuracy. Make sure you've answered the question exactly as it was asked. Also, consider if your answer is reasonable in the context of the problem.

6. Review your answers: Once you've completed the test, review your answers thoroughly. Make sure you haven't made any calculation errors and that you've answered all the questions accurately.

If you encounter any specific questions you need help with, please feel free to provide them, and I'll be glad to guide you through each one step by step.

OFF girl looks like you have a trouble in ur hands sorry cant help cha

Well Sorry like @The BIG dum-dum said I cant help you

I cant believe you thx for nothing :(