It's like, no one cares about us kids. Everyone just thinks that we have it SOO easy, but that is not at all true. We're sitting over here learning something new AND taking a TEST over it EVERY SINGLE DAY! Our parents don't no how hard school is now. When they were in school, they practically just counted sticks. We have it much harder than them, and any other kid who's in public school. We don't even have a teacher right there, all the time to help us! Also, most of us (like me) don't even have any friends. :(

Our parents also just do the exact SAME thing every day. They go to work and do some easy little job that they've done for years and have got good at.
Every adult just thinks that they're so much better than any kid because they're the the overgrown version of us. :( Soo life is a menace...

Im so sorry sad sad life I get every word you are saying and if you wanna talk here is my gmail raynamasterson at gmail. com

no, your attitude is a menace.

You cannot always control what happens to you.
But you can always control how you react to it.