this image is illustrating perspective which of the following techniquse did the aritst not use to create this image

To determine which techniques the artist did not use to create the image, we need to analyze the visual elements and characteristics of the artwork. Here are some commonly used techniques to create a sense of perspective:

1. Foreshortening: This technique involves reducing the size of objects as they appear to recede into the distance, creating a sense of depth.

2. Overlapping: By placing one object in front of another, the artist can create a sense of depth and spatial relationships.

3. Size and Scale: Objects that are smaller in scale tend to appear farther away, while larger objects appear closer to the viewer.

4. Linear perspective: This technique involves using converging lines that meet at a vanishing point to create a sense of depth and distance. There are different types of linear perspective, such as one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective.

Based on the description of the image, we can conclude that the artist did not use any linear perspective techniques. If the image does not incorporate converging lines or a vanishing point, it suggests that linear perspective was not employed. However, without seeing the image or having specific information about it, it is challenging to determine which technique was not used with certainty.