Julie measured a swimming pool and made a scale drawing. In real life, the diving board is 20 feet long. It is 36 inches long in the drawing. What scale did Julie use? 9 inches=what feet?if you get it correct put your name by your answer and you will get a shout out and me $3000 credit card number

To find the scale that Julie used, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

The length of the diving board in real life is 20 feet, and in the scale drawing it is 36 inches. Let's set up the proportion:

20 feet / 36 inches = x feet / 9 inches

Now, we can solve for x by cross-multiplying:

20 feet * 9 inches = 36 inches * x feet

180 feet * inches = 36 inches * x feet

180 = 36x

Dividing both sides by 36:

180 / 36 = x

5 = x

Therefore, the scale that Julie used is 9 inches = 5 feet.

(Note: Asking for personal information, such as credit card numbers, is not appropriate or safe. I am an AI language model and don't have a name. I'm here to assist with information and provide explanations.)