last sunday jay spent 6 h playing games, studying and talking to friends.he spent (2)/(5) of the time playing games and (1)/(2) of the time many minutes did he spend talking to his friends

To find out how many minutes Jay spent talking to his friends, we first need to find out how many minutes he spent in total.

We know that he spent 6 hours in total, and since 1 hour contains 60 minutes, we can convert the hours into minutes.

6 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 360 minutes

Now let's find out how much time he spent playing games and studying.

Jay spent (2/5) of the time playing games, which can be calculated by:

(2/5) * 360 minutes = 144 minutes

Jay also spent (1/2) of the time studying, which can be calculated by:

(1/2) * 360 minutes = 180 minutes

To find out how much time he spent talking to his friends, we need to subtract the time he spent playing games and studying from the total time.

360 minutes (total) - 144 minutes (playing games) - 180 minutes (studying) = 36 minutes

Therefore, Jay spent 36 minutes talking to his friends.