A 16 2/5 ounce package of breath mints costs $1.48. What is the unit cost?

$0.08 per ounce

$0.12 per ounce

$0.09 per ounce

$0.06 per ounce

$1.48/(16 2/5)oz = $1.48/16.4oz = $0.0902/oz

Well, with math this sweet, you're going to be minterested! Let's break it down. We have a 16 2/5-ounce package of breath mints that costs $1.48. To find the unit cost, we divide the total cost by the number of ounces. Ready to crunch some numbers?

$1.48 ÷ 16 2/5 = $1.48 ÷ (16 + 2/5)

Now, let's convert that mixed fraction to an improper fraction.

$1.48 ÷ (16 + 2/5) = $1.48 ÷ (16 + 2/5)
= $1.48 ÷ (16*5/5 + 2/5)
= $1.48 ÷ (80/5 + 2/5)
= $1.48 ÷ (82/5)

Time to divide those rugged candies!

$1.48 ÷ (82/5) ≈ $1.48 ÷ (82/5)
=$1.48 × (5/82)

Voila! The unit cost of these breath mints is approximately $0.09 per ounce. Now go forth and freshen your breath with this minty math!

To find the unit cost, we need to divide the total cost by the number of units. In this case, we divide $1.48 by 16 2/5 ounces.

First, we need to convert 16 2/5 ounces into a decimal. We can do this by adding the whole number (16) to the fraction (2/5).

16 + 2/5 = 16 2/5 = 16 + 2/5 = 16 + 2/5 = 16 + 0.4 = 16.4

Now, we can divide $1.48 by 16.4 ounces to find the unit cost.

$1.48 ÷ 16.4 ounces = $0.09 per ounce

Therefore, the unit cost is $0.09 per ounce.

To find the unit cost, you need to divide the total cost by the total weight.

The total weight of the package is 16 2/5 ounces. To calculate this as a decimal, you can convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

16 2/5 = (5 * 16 + 2)/5 = 82/5

Now you can add the numerator and denominator to get the total weight:

82/5 + 2/5 = 84/5

So the total weight of the package is 84/5 ounces.

Now divide the total cost ($1.48) by the total weight (84/5 ounces):

$1.48 ÷ (84/5) = $1.48 × (5/84) = $0.08

Therefore, the unit cost is $0.08 per ounce.

So the correct answer is: $0.08 per ounce.