How to Make Sun Art?

Sun art is a fun and creative way to capture the beauty of the sun. Here are the steps to make your own sun art:

1. Gather your supplies: You will need a piece of black construction paper, a piece of white construction paper, scissors, glue, and a sunny day.

2. Cut the white paper into small shapes: Use the scissors to cut the white paper into small shapes such as circles, stars, or other shapes.

3. Glue the shapes onto the black paper: Arrange the shapes on the black paper and glue them down.

4. Place the paper in the sun: Place the paper in a sunny spot and let the sun do its work.

5. Remove the paper from the sun: After a few minutes, remove the paper from the sun and let it cool.

6. Enjoy your sun art: Once the paper has cooled, you can enjoy your sun art!