1. The XYZ Affair outraged many Americans. What was President John Adams's initial stance on how to handle the issue? Select all that apply. (2 points)

Adams asked Congress for a vote to declare war on France.
Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France.
Adams wanted to declare war, but resisted due to political pressures.
Adams wanted to stay out of European affairs.
2. Why did Thomas Jefferson turn to nullification in an effort to right the wrongs of the Alien and (1 point) Sedition Acts?
O The Federalists controlled the courts.
He had significant influence over the states.
O He believed the states were meant to control the federal government.
O The states had the same right of judicial review as the Supreme Court.

1. To determine President John Adams's initial stance on how to handle the XYZ Affair, we need to analyze the options provided.

a) Adams asked Congress for a vote to declare war on France. - This option suggests that Adams sought to declare war as a response to the XYZ Affair. However, this is not accurate as Adams did not ask Congress to declare war on France.

b) Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France. - This option aligns with historical events surrounding the XYZ Affair. Adams did send diplomats to negotiate with France in an attempt to resolve the issues diplomatically.

c) Adams wanted to declare war but resisted due to political pressures. - This option suggests that Adams desired war but faced political pressures that prevented him from acting. However, there is no historical evidence supporting Adams's desire to declare war.

d) Adams wanted to stay out of European affairs. - This option accurately represents Adams's stance on staying out of European affairs, as he aimed to maintain neutrality and avoid getting involved in conflicts between European nations.

Based on the analysis, the correct options are:
- Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France.
- Adams wanted to stay out of European affairs.

2. To explain why Thomas Jefferson turned to nullification as a response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, we need to analyze the options provided.

a) The Federalists controlled the courts. - This option suggests that Jefferson turned to nullification because the Federalists controlled the courts. However, this is not accurate in the context of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

b) He had significant influence over the states. - This option implies that Jefferson's influence over the states played a role in his decision to pursue nullification. While Jefferson did have influence over the states as President, this alone does not explain his preference for nullification.

c) He believed the states were meant to control the federal government. - This option accurately explains Jefferson's reasoning. He believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, where the states were meant to have more power than the federal government. Jefferson turned to nullification as a means for the states to assert their authority and resist what he viewed as unconstitutional acts by the federal government.

d) The states had the same right of judicial review as the Supreme Court. - This option incorrectly states that the states had the same right of judicial review as the Supreme Court. While the Supreme Court has the power of judicial review, allowing them to determine the constitutionality of laws, the states do not possess the same authority.

Based on the analysis, the correct option is:
- He believed the states were meant to control the federal government.