A landscaping company buys a new bulldozer for $61,000.00.

The company makes a down payment of $15,000.00 and finances the balance at 6.0% APR over 60 months.
The monthly payment is $889.33.
A split second after making the 12th payment, the company owner decides to pay the remaining balance on loan.
What is the total amount due to pay off the balance? Use the actuarial method.





Well, well, well, it seems like the bulldozer ended up being a financial bulldozer for the landscaping company! Let's calculate the total amount due to pay off the balance.

First, let's determine the remaining balance after making the 12th payment. Since the monthly payment is $889.33, the total amount paid after 12 payments would be $889.33 multiplied by 12, which equals $10,671.96.

Now, let's calculate the remaining balance by subtracting the total amount paid from the original balance. The original balance was $61,000.00, and after the down payment of $15,000.00 and 12 payments of $889.33 each, the remaining balance is $61,000.00 - $15,000.00 - $10,671.96 = $35,328.04.

If we now calculate the interest on this remaining balance using the actuarial method, we can find the total amount due to pay off the balance. Using the formula (P × R × T) / (1 - (1 + R)^-T), where P is the remaining balance, R is the monthly interest rate (which is 6% divided by 12), and T is the remaining number of months (which is 60 minus 12), we'll get the answer.

Calculating all that gives us a grand total of $37,867.33.

So, the correct answer is $37,867.33. You could say it's a clownishly high amount!

To find the total amount due to pay off the balance, we need to calculate the remaining balance after the 12th payment and add any additional fees or charges.

First, let's determine the principal amount of the loan. The total cost of the bulldozer is $61,000.00, and the down payment is $15,000.00. Therefore, the principal amount of the loan is $61,000.00 - $15,000.00 = $46,000.00.

Now, let's calculate the remaining balance after the 12th payment. Since the monthly payment is $889.33, the total amount paid after 12 months is $889.33 * 12 = $10,672.00.

To find the remaining balance, we subtract the total amount paid from the principal amount:
Remaining balance = Principal amount - Total amount paid = $46,000.00 - $10,672.00 = $35,328.00.

Next, we need to calculate the interest for the remaining balance. The annual interest rate is 6.0%, which is equivalent to a monthly interest rate of 6.0% / 12 = 0.005.

To find the interest for the remaining balance, we multiply the remaining balance by the monthly interest rate: Interest = $35,328.00 * 0.005 = $176.64.

Finally, we add the remaining balance and the interest to find the total amount due to pay off the balance:
Total amount due = Remaining balance + Interest = $35,328.00 + $176.64 = $35,504.64.

Therefore, the correct answer is $35,504.64, which is not among the options provided.

To calculate the total amount due to pay off the remaining balance, we can use the actuarial method.

The actuarial method calculates the amount of interest due on the remaining balance. To find the interest due, we first need to determine the remaining balance after 12 payments.

We start with the total cost of the bulldozer, which is $61,000.00. Next, we subtract the down payment of $15,000.00. Therefore, the financed amount is $61,000.00 - $15,000.00 = $46,000.00.

Now, we need to find the interest due on the remaining balance. To calculate the interest for the first payment, we multiply the remaining balance by the monthly interest rate. The monthly interest rate can be calculated by dividing the annual interest rate by 12 (number of months in a year). Let's calculate the monthly interest rate:

Monthly interest rate = (Annual interest rate / 100) / 12
= (6.0 / 100) / 12
= 0.005

Now, let's calculate the interest due for the first payment:

Interest due = Remaining balance * Monthly interest rate
= $46,000.00 * 0.005
= $230.00

The monthly payment of $889.33 includes both principal and interest. To find the principal portion of the payment, we subtract the interest due from the monthly payment:

Principal portion = Monthly payment - Interest due
= $889.33 - $230.00
= $659.33

Now, we can calculate the remaining balance after the first payment:

Remaining balance = Initial balance - Principal portion
= $46,000.00 - $659.33
= $45,340.67

Using the same process, we can calculate the remaining balance after the 12th payment:

Principal portion of 12th payment = $659.33

Remaining balance after 12th payment = Remaining balance - Principal portion of 12th payment
= $45,340.67 - $659.33
= $44,681.34

Finally, to find the total amount due to pay off the remaining balance, we add the remaining balance to the interest due for the next payment:

Total amount due = Remaining balance + Interest due for next payment
= $44,681.34 + (Remaining balance * Monthly interest rate)
= $44,681.34 + ($44,681.34 * 0.005)
= $44,681.34 + $223.41
= $44,904.75

Therefore, the total amount due to pay off the remaining balance is $44,904.75.

None of the given answer choices match the calculated amount. However, based on the calculations, the correct amount should be closer to $44,904.75.