Translate the following into Spanish: "Where is the door?"

• ¿Dónde es la puerta?
• ¿Dónde están la puerta?
• ¿Dónde está la puerta?
• ¿Dónde estará la puerta?

¿En qué parte de la casa se ha escondido la puerta? No puedo encontrarla en ninguna parte.

The correct translation of "Where is the door?" into Spanish is:

• ¿Dónde está la puerta?

To translate the question "Where is the door?" into Spanish, you have provided four possible options:

1. ¿Dónde es la puerta? - This translation is incorrect. In Spanish, we use "estar" instead of "ser" to indicate location.

2. ¿Dónde están la puerta? - This translation is incorrect as well. The word "la" should be singular because we are referring to a single door. Additionally, "están" is used when referring to multiple items or people.

3. ¿Dónde está la puerta? - This is the correct translation. Here, we have used the singular form "la" for "the" and "está" which is the correct form of "estar" for a singular door.

4. ¿Dónde estará la puerta? - This translation would mean "Where will the door be?" It implies uncertainty about the door's location in the future, which may not be relevant to the specific question being asked.

Therefore, the correct Spanish translation for "Where is the door?" is "¿Dónde está la puerta?"