Write out 10 items found in the house,relate each of the items with it subject

Sure! Here are 10 common items found in a house and their related subjects:

1. Refrigerator (subject: kitchen appliances) - The refrigerator is used for storing and preserving food items, ensuring that they stay fresh and safe to consume.

2. Couch (subject: furniture) - The couch provides a comfortable seating option in the living room or lounge area of a house, allowing people to relax, socialize, and enjoy leisure activities.

3. Television (subject: entertainment) - The television is an electronic device that broadcasts audio-visual content, providing entertainment, news, and education to the viewers.

4. Bed (subject: bedroom essentials) - The bed is a piece of furniture used for sleeping and resting, providing a comfortable and supportive surface for individuals to relax and rejuvenate.

5. Washing machine (subject: laundry) - The washing machine is a household appliance used for cleaning and washing clothes, eliminating the need for manual handwashing and saving time and effort.

6. Dining table (subject: dining area) - The dining table serves as a central gathering space for meals, fostering communication and a sense of togetherness during family and social gatherings.

7. Vacuum cleaner (subject: cleaning) - The vacuum cleaner is a device used to remove dust, dirt, and debris from floors and surfaces, facilitating efficient and convenient cleaning within the house.

8. Bookshelf (subject: literature) - The bookshelf provides a designated place to store and organize books, enhancing accessibility and showcasing a person's literary collection or interests.

9. Mirror (subject: personal care) - The mirror is a reflective surface used for grooming, personal care routines, and dressing, allowing individuals to observe and maintain their appearance.

10. Computer (subject: technology) - The computer is an electronic device used for various purposes, such as work, communication, entertainment, and access to information through the internet.

These are just a few examples, but there are numerous items found in a house, each serving different purposes and relating to various subjects.