division of fractions and mixed numbers in the real world

7 signs, so 6 spaces, each (1/2 mi)/6 = 1/12 mi long

None of the answers is right, though I suspect that they want A, because there were 7 signs.

Division of fractions and mixed numbers is used in various real-world situations. Here are a few examples:

1. Cooking and Baking: When following a recipe, you may need to divide fractions or mixed numbers to adjust the quantities of ingredients. For instance, if a recipe calls for 3/4 cup of flour but you only want to make half of the recipe, you would divide 3/4 by 2 to determine how much flour you need.

2. Ratios and Proportions: Ratios and proportions are frequently used in fields like finance, engineering, and architecture. Suppose you are working on a construction project and need to determine how much material is required. Dividing fractions or mixed numbers can help you calculate the proper proportions and quantities.

3. Medicine and Dosage: In the medical field, doctors and nurses often deal with fractions and mixed numbers when calculating medication dosages. When prescribing medication, the dosage can be based on a patient's weight or age, which may require dividing fractions or mixed numbers to arrive at the correct dose.

4. Business and Finance: In business and financial contexts, division of fractions or mixed numbers can be used to calculate profit margins, cost ratios, and sales percentages. For example, when determining the percentage of sales earned from a particular product, you may need to divide the sales of that product by the total sales of all products.

These are just a few examples, but division of fractions and mixed numbers finds application in numerous other real-world scenarios where quantities need to be divided or shared in proportion.

The division of fractions and mixed numbers is a mathematical concept that has many real-world applications. This concept allows us to solve various problems involving proportions, ratios, and sharing or dividing quantities. Here are some examples of how division of fractions and mixed numbers is used in the real world:

1. Cooking and Baking: When following a recipe, you often encounter fractions and mixed numbers for ingredient measurements. If you need to halve or double a recipe, you can use division to adjust the ingredient quantities accordingly.

2. Recipe Scaling: Division of fractions is useful when scaling a recipe up or down. For instance, if a recipe serves 6 people, and you need to serve 4 people, you can divide the ingredient amounts by the desired serving size.

3. Measurement Conversions: Division of fractions is employed when converting between different units of measurement. For example, if you need to convert 1/2 cup to tablespoons, you would multiply 1/2 by the conversion factor of 16 (since 1 cup equals 16 tablespoons).

4. Sharing and Apportionment: Imagine a group of friends sharing a pizza equally. If there are 3 people and you have 1 1/2 pizzas, you can divide the pizzas by 3 to determine how much each person gets. This involves dividing a mixed number by a whole number.

5. Ratios and Proportions: Division of fractions is commonly used to compare and solve problems involving ratios and proportions. For instance, in a fruit salad recipe, if you need to determine the ratio of oranges to apples, you can divide the number of oranges by the number of apples.

When solving real-world problems involving division of fractions and mixed numbers, it's important to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions first, if necessary. Then, you can divide the fractions by multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse) of the second fraction.

Over a half-mile stretch of road, there are 7 evenly spaced street signs. find the distance between each street sign

1/14 miles
1/9 miles
2/7 miles
3/5 miles