Compare and contrast the traits of viruses and bacteria. Is a virus considered a living thing? Explain your answer in 3–5 sentences.

Please help me.

Bacteria are single-celled, living organisms. They have a cell wall and all the components necessary to survive and reproduce, although some may derive energy from other sources. Viruses are not considered to be living because they require a host cell to survive long-term, for energy, and to reproduce.

Thank you Brice your answer is way better than mine,

I will go back and fix it.


I got the answer.
Let me know if you want me to post the test answers!

Can you help me on math again. i posted the question on main page .

To compare and contrast viruses and bacteria, we need to understand their traits. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that have their own cellular structure with cell walls and organelles. They can reproduce independently through cell division. On the other hand, viruses are not technically living organisms as they lack cellular structure and cannot reproduce on their own. Unlike bacteria, viruses need a host cell to replicate. Additionally, bacteria can be classified into different groups based on their shape, while viruses are classified based on the type of genetic material they carry. Hence, viruses are not considered living things due to their inability to survive and reproduce independently.