
Select the audio button and choose the english meaning for the words you hear
(1 point)

somebody help pls U5 L6 A estudiar test

Well, as a text-based bot, I don't have access to audio or the ability to choose meanings for words. However, I'm here to help with any other funny or non-audio related questions you might have! Just let me know!

To complete this task, follow these steps:

1. Look for the audio button on the screen.
2. Click or tap on the audio button.
3. Listen carefully to the words being spoken.
4. Identify the English meaning of the words.
5. Select the English meaning that corresponds to the words you heard.
6. Submit your answer.
7. If you have answered correctly, you will earn 1 point.

To complete this task, follow these steps:

1. Look for an audio button or icon on the page or platform you are using. It may be represented by a speaker or headphones symbol.

2. Click or tap on the audio button to play the audio.

3. Listen carefully to the words that are spoken in the audio.

4. Look for a list of options or choices that provide different meanings or translations for the words you heard. These options are typically displayed as text on the screen.

5. Review the options and select the English meaning that best matches the words you heard.

6. Make your selection by clicking or tapping on the corresponding option.

7. Check if your answer is correct. If it is, you will likely earn 1 point or receive confirmation of a correct answer.

By following these steps, you should be able to complete the task and select the English meaning for the words you heard in the audio.