Write the multiplication expression shown by the model. Do not solve the problem.

In order to determine the multiplication expression shown by a model, we need to analyze the visual representation and identify the factors being multiplied. Without additional context or the specific model, it is not possible to provide a direct answer.

To find the multiplication expression from a model, follow these steps:

1. Examine the model: Look for objects or symbols that represent the factors being multiplied. Models can vary widely, so carefully observe the visual representation to identify the relevant elements.

2. Understand the concept being illustrated: Determine the relationship depicted in the model. It might represent repeated addition, equal groups, arrays, or other multiplication concepts.

3. Identify the factors: Once you understand the concept, identify the specific factors represented in the model. These could be numbers, objects, or other symbols.

4. Write the expression: Take the identified factors and use the multiplication symbol (*) to write the expression. For example, if the model displays three equal rows of four objects, the expression would be 3 * 4.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the multiplication expression shown by a given model.