I have been trying to make a 3d square on a piece of paper while munching on my beautiful watermelon then I wondered can you survive in the desert with 10 watermelons a knife and a tent that's stabilized for three days?

Just a question 🍉

over 17 people saw this and still no answer 😭🍉🍉


32? really? :( please does anyone know my question :((😔

Please somebody answer :(

162 🗿 Its okay I already know the answer to this stupid question I asked a year ago.

The answer is yes you can 🤓

And whoever disliked my question I respect you 🗿


I'm glad you were able to find the answer to your question! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask :)

To determine if you can survive in the desert with 10 watermelons, a knife, and a tent stabilized for three days, we need to consider a few factors.

1. Water consumption: Water is crucial for survival in the desert. The general rule of thumb is that an average adult should consume about 2 liters (or 0.5 gallons) of water per day. However, in extremely hot and dry conditions, this requirement may increase significantly. Let's assume you also need 2 liters per day.

2. Watermelon hydration: Watermelons are composed of about 92% water, making them a hydrating fruit choice. On average, a medium-sized watermelon contains around 1.5 liters (or 0.4 gallons) of water. With 10 watermelons, you would have approximately 15 liters (or 4 gallons) of water available.

3. Tent stability: A tent stabilized for three days indicates that you have the necessary equipment to withstand the desert climate. This will provide shelter from the sun, wind, and sandstorms.

Based on the above factors, let's calculate if you can survive for three days:

Water required per day: 2 liters
Total watermelon hydration per day: 1.5 liters x 10 watermelons = 15 liters

Since you have 15 liters of watermelon hydration, you won't need additional water for those three days. The watermelons should provide sufficient hydration to meet your daily water requirements. However, it's important to note that watermelons are perishable, so you need to consume them before they spoil in the desert heat.

With the tent providing shelter and the watermelons providing hydration, you have the basic necessities to survive in the desert for three days. However, please remember that survival in extreme conditions requires careful planning, knowledge of the environment, and additional precautions. It's always recommended to have a more comprehensive survival plan and to consult experts or experienced individuals before attempting such scenarios.