Which detail would be the most relevant to this central idea?

Summer is the most fun season, because there is so much to do.
Select the correct answer.

from which choices?

What’s the answer?

The most relevant detail to support the central idea that "Summer is the most fun season, because there is so much to do" would be examples of activities or events that are available specifically during the summer season. For instance, mentioning things like beach trips, water sports, outdoor festivals, or vacation opportunities would be relevant details that support the idea that there is a lot to do during the summer season, making it the most fun.

To determine the most relevant detail to support the central idea that "Summer is the most fun season, because there is so much to do," we need to identify a specific detail that directly reinforces the notion of abundant activities during summer.

Some relevant details that could support this central idea include:
1. "The weather is warm and sunny, perfect for outdoor activities like swimming and hiking."
2. "Families often take vacations during the summer, providing ample opportunities for exploring new places and creating lasting memories."
3. "Many communities host outdoor festivals, concerts, and events during the summer months, catering to a wide range of interests."

While all of these details are potentially relevant, the most fitting detail for this central idea would be option 3. "Many communities host outdoor festivals, concerts, and events during the summer months, catering to a wide range of interests." This detail specifically emphasizes the idea that there are numerous activities available during the summer season.