(1 point)

2. When you focus on an illogically extreme example of your opponent's position, which propaganda technique are you using?

O strawman

O stereotyping

O plain folks

O bandwagon

The propaganda technique that involves focusing on an illogically extreme example of your opponent's position is called the strawman technique. This technique involves misrepresenting or exaggerating your opponent's arguments, making them easier to attack and discredit. To identify the correct answer, we can analyze each option and consider the characteristics of the strawman technique.

Option A: Strawman - This option matches the description provided and describes the propaganda technique in question.

Option B: Stereotyping - Stereotyping involves generalizing or making assumptions about a group of people based on their characteristics. While it can be a propaganda technique, it does not focus on misrepresenting an opponent's position.

Option C: Plain Folks - This propaganda technique aims to make a person or group appear relatable and down-to-earth. It does not involve distorting an opponent's position through an extreme example.

Option D: Bandwagon - The bandwagon technique appeals to the idea of peer pressure and the desire to belong by suggesting that everyone is supporting a particular idea or product. It is not directly related to misrepresenting an opponent's position.

Therefore, the correct answer is: O strawman