which is the root of the word auditorium?

To determine the root of the word "auditorium," we can analyze its components.

The word "auditorium" consists of two parts: "audi-" and "-torium."

1. The prefix "audi-" is derived from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear" or "to listen." It is used in words related to hearing or sound, such as "audio," "audience," or "auditory."

2. The suffix "-torium" is a noun-forming suffix that indicates a place or space used for a particular purpose. It can be found in words like "sanatorium," "laboratorium," and "observatorium."

Putting these parts together, we can conclude that the root of the word "auditorium" is "audi-," derived from the Latin word "audire," meaning "to hear" or "to listen."

So, the root of the word "auditorium" is "audi-."