Approximately 8 058 000 000 web pages were searched by Google by the end of 2004. That number rose to 345 789 000 000 000 in 2021. How many more webpages were searched in 2021 than 2004? Express your answer in scientific notation.

To calculate the difference in the number of web pages searched between 2021 and 2004, we subtract the number of web pages searched in 2004 from the number of web pages searched in 2021.

Number of web pages searched in 2021 = 345,789,000,000,000
Number of web pages searched in 2004 = 8,058,000,000

Subtracting the two numbers: 345,789,000,000,000 - 8,058,000,000

To express the answer in scientific notation, we need to determine the appropriate exponent value. Since the difference is quite large, we can convert it to scientific notation by moving the decimal point to the left and adjusting the exponent.

Dividing the difference by 10 gives us: (345,789,000,000,000 - 8,058,000,000) / 10 = 345,780,942,000,000 / 10

This is equal to 34,578,094,200,000

Therefore, the difference in the number of web pages searched in 2021 than in 2004 is approximately 3.4578 x 10^13.