7 letters word

You will find these on platters for Thanksgiving dinners


The answer you are looking for is "turkeys."

To find a 7-letter word related to platters for Thanksgiving dinners, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by brainstorming words associated with Thanksgiving dinners. Some examples include turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed, cranberry, cornbread, and pumpkin.

2. Since we are specifically looking for a word that can be found on platters, focus on items that are commonly served on platters during Thanksgiving dinners. This may include turkey, ham, stuffing, vegetables, rolls, and salads.

3. Analyze each of these words to find a 7-letter option. In this case, the word "turkey" fits the criteria, as it is 6 letters long. You can add an "s" at the end to make it "turkeys," which is a 7-letter word.

Therefore, the seven-letter word you will find on platters for Thanksgiving dinners is "turkeys."